Cead Trèanadh Choin

Dè nam feumadh tu cead do chù a thoirt far iall? Dìreach mar cead draibhidh? Tha cheart uiread de dhaoine a’ bàsachadh bho ionnsaidh choin sa tha a’ bàsachadh bho thubaistean rathaid. Tha e cheart cho cothromach sealltainn gu bheil thu fhèin agus do chù foghlamaichte gu leòr airson a bhi sàbhailte sa choimhearsnachd.

What if you needed a license to take your dog off the lead? Just like a driving license? The same amount of people die as a result of being attacked by dogs as in car accidents. It’s just as important to demonstrate that you and your dog are educated enough to be safe in the community.